Berlungi Candy

Miroslav Novotny
Visual communicator, 3D Designer, Promotional Strategist

From Prague, Czech Republic I am a designer who works with 3D graphics creating visuals for promotional purposes. I also work with UI/UX and visual identities of startup companies. In the past I had experience with a big marketing company called Kaspem JvM when I was 16 years old and worked 2 years in a movie industry in as many different roles after I graduated from high school - from “Runner” to Production Coordinator or 2nd AD.
I have created the visual identity with UI/UX of the auction website and continue making their semestral campaigns. I have been working on yearly campaigns of Summer Art Salon of Kodl Contemporary art exhibitions on the years 2019 and 2020. I made visual identities of companies such as Solverita, Petido and others. Currently I mainly work as a 3D Designer and Graphic Designer for and Kreema marketing agency as well as for a company who creates CBD products for a was number of businesses called Simply Green Labs.

My future aspiration is to work with more futuristic technologies, such as AR, VR or Mixed Reality. I definitely want to stay in a 3D field as much as I can.

If you want to achieve something, don't have working hours.

Instagram    @miro____novo___

Berlungi stands for healthy and 100% organic medicinal supplements. We are a sweet factory that creates nutritional and delicious candy formulas from functional mushrooms. We believe life can be sweet even when taking care of your health. Most of the time, taking care of your health is unpleasant, so from that experience, we wanted to make a fun and a pleasant way how to increase your healthy life.

Instagram    @berlungi